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4 Signs You May Need New Home Windows

4 Signs You May Need New Home Windows

When was the last time you replaced your home windows? If it’s been a while, chances are that you are losing money because they aren’t the best. Below are four signs that you should replace your home windows soon, because they are costing you more than you might know.

Drafts – Do you feel drafts coming from your windows? This means there could be gaps or cracks in its frame or window. There also could be a bad seal.

Damage – When you see windows that are damaged, you want to immediately replace them. They can warp, break and crack when you have extreme weather such as hail.

Increased Energy Bills – Have you noticed your cooling and heating costs going up? The windows in your home could be the reason. They might be letting the heat and cold in and cause drafts,

Condensation Buildup – A bit of condensation in particular conditions can be expected. However, if you’re noticing a lot more than usual, this could mean you have a problem with the insulating qualities. Look for frost on them during the winter, too. It’s pretty, but it’s showing there’s a problem.

These are four signs you should replace your home windows. The next time you look at your heating and cooling bills, see if they might be a bit higher than usual. If there haven’t been any extreme temperature changes, then your windows might be the reason behind it. Consider having them checked today!

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